Thursday, March 29, 2012

As a Supplementary method of social work
Social Action is one of the model of community organization or intervention.
This approach or model presupposes the existence of an disadvantaged segment of the population that needs to be organized in order to make demands on the larger community for increased resources or equal treatment.

Social action is not a single man effort but from the mass
It is rather process oriented than product
It brings economic and social justice  for the marginalized people (racial,casteism,sexism,ageism etc )
Micro to Macro level social work
Social action is a macro level process. It is a political process of addressing policy making.
 we cannot call it an action until and unless process is involved
Educating the mass of disadvantaged and organizing them for action is the key.
The change strategy is, "Let's organize to overpower our oppressor and change the system.“
“Mass and elite going for change”
Community Worker's role:
Conception of beneficiary: Victims
Social action is mass betterment through propaganda and social  legislation;
Propaganda: The activity of spreading particular ideas, opinions etc, according to an organized plan

Mary Richmond was the first social worker to define social action in the history of social work.
Movement from psycho-social counseling to structural changes(eco,political change).
“Social action is an individual, group, or community efforts within the framework of the social work philosophy and practice that aims to achieve social progress, to modify social policies and to improve social legislation and health and welfare
Social action is legally permissible action by a group or by an individual trying to promote group action for the purpose of furthering objectives that are both legal and socially desirable. (John Fitch)
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Though the activities is initiated by individual but to fulfill the objectives there should be group effort. Due to which such activities become socially and legally  desirable.
Social action has been viewed by professional social workers:
As a means for improving:
 Mass conditions,
 Enhancing social welfare,
Solving mass problems,
Influencing basic social conditions and policies out of which arise the problems of social adjustment and maladjustment, and changing the environment.
Social action covers movements of political reform, social legislation, social justice, religious freedom and civil liberty.
Its techniques include propaganda, research and lobbying.
In the process of social action:
Group work knowledge and skills will be utilized so also the techniques of community organization.
But the process require additional knowledge and skills of bringing a wide variety of people and interest groups together in order to work for a common purpose;
This requires a very thorough understanding of the political and economic forces operating in a society and a very clear understanding or the goals to be achieved and probable strategies to be followed.
Different target level of the social action
Entire universe
When Social Action takesplace
When there is need to bring about some change in social structure or to prevent the negative from happening, which may influence the general population or a large number of people social action comes into play.
 proper sharing and development of socio-cultural environment in which a richer and fuller life may be possible for all citizens.
Objective of social action
Formulation of suitable welfare laws and improving present weakness in laws and further improvement in social condition.
Making effective government administration of social work and welfare.
Review of present laws and rules.
Standardize social action.
Influence on various policies and programs of organization.
   Formulate social policies.
Provide skills and knowledge for collecting information of social organization
Make available the needed resources for solving social problems
Create awareness, make acceptance of welfare planning and take people consensus for implementation from the community leadership
Establish ,promote and implement the social work methods, norms, values and ethics and further develop sw

  Prevention of needs
• Solution to mass problems
Improvement in mass conditions
• Influencing institutions, policies and practices
Influence institution for human rights and social Justice
• Redistribution of power, resources and decision making
Assumption of social action
The following assumption are as follows:
1.Assumption regarding the present power structure
Experience shows that Government is in accessible to most of the people.
 Government has become a power center, with a vested interest to maintain the status quo of the microscopic minority.
 Politics and Government is a power center, through which the rich and the powerful exercise control over the weak and the poor.
This alienated people from the society become non-participants in the social life. This is not a healthy situation.
To overcome this, the disadvantaged segments of the community need to be organized to gain more power to equitably distribute the resources and to attain the principles of democracy and social justice.

Industrial revolution brought many benefits. Some gained the benefits. Many people fell behind. They became the victims of industrial revolution and they needed help to survive. Social work offered this help through provision of services.
Social workers ‘helped’, ‘enabled’ and ‘even managed’ the victims of the system to adjust to it. Which is the right path? Advising the victims to adjust with the sick society or changing the system to adjust to the needs of the members.
There has been rising standard of life as a whole. But the distribution of income, it was felt was increasingly to the disadvantage of the poor section of the population.
The often quoted ‘Matthew effect’, i.e. ‘rich are becoming richer and poor are becoming poor’ was felt keenly.
Improving economic condition along with social and psychological conditions of the poor was urgently sought, so that the poor could play equal and effective role in the society.
The welfare state is said to include all government functions that lead to intervention in the society for the sake of securing human wellbeing.
The social services are products of, and responsive to a social order that values economic growth and political stability above human well being.
 social services and other helping professions try to preserve and strengthen the ideologies, behaviors and structures of the status quo.

Welfare needs of the people can arise not because of any personal draw backs or shortcoming of the needy; they are caused by the inherent defects in the social system.
Social action situates the problems of human rights and injustice in a systemic perspective.
 Personal troubles and public issues are interlinked. It must be understood in terms of public issues

Welfare services should be provided to the people as a matter of right, which they may be able to claim. From this it can derive three hypothesis:
1. Welfare is a power game; through which the rich and the powerful exercise control over the weak and the poor.
2. The rich corner the gains of the welfare, but for that the poor has to pay.
3. There is no way to alleviate the situation unless one socializes the welfare and the clients of the system take over its administration.
It is claim that democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people. But in reality democracy seems to be the government off (silence) the people, buy the people (to get votes) and far (away from) the people.
Basic assumption
There is a certain power center with a vested interest, which controls the policies and administration of welfare services in each country, which needs to be corrected
Principles of social action
According to H.Y,SIDDIQUI
1.principle of credibility building:
All those people who are involved in social action need some recognition.
 Unless there is any recognition is given there wont be any power given to the people.
 It is essential for community people to have recognition to experience powers in hand for social justice.
 Without credibility or recognition none of the people will favor the activities.
Principle of legitimization(abide by law)
Legitimization is very important without it none of the people will support the social action. We cannot work by going beyond the law.
Legitimization not only comes from the state but also from the internal national support.
There should be approval form law ,from the state as wells from the internal national community.
The movement makers take help from different theory: theological, philosophy of human rights, law.

Principle of Dramatization(folk song,dance, motivated speech,slogan)
Through this principles people are influenced in a dramatic ways. No people join social action all at once.
There should be good grip, strength, good objectives and mutual cooperation for the people getting involved.
How to increase the involvement of masses is talked by the principle of dramatization
Leadership plays an important role. Leaders play prominent role. If leader fails to portray required quality then people or masses don’t follow them
Principle of multiple strategy
Integrated approach
Most of the movement come up with only one strategy. But sometimes during movement the unitary strategy it might fail.
Thus multiple strategy is required to pressurize the people on power.
People trying to bring change in domestic violence.
They can opt for organizing people through drama and social plays, aware people, do some strike and so on.
When there is mass of people coming together they can be a threat to the govt
There are two types of multiple strategy
conflictual- There should be conflict between the two major stake holders.
Examples ,between the farmers and landlords.conflictual situation cannot be violent all the time. Conflict can bring positive changes and has brought changes
Non-conflictual- there should be no violence rather people can use some non- conflictual social action
Go and then not plant vegetables and crops. Farmers can indirectly pressure the landlords, this way the people who are oppressed can make their voice
Education strategy, persuasive strategy,faciliattive strategy,power strategy
Principle of dual approach
Social worker is trying to create counter system. There is back up created. If one of the action fails there is another action used.
This is known as counter system
They rarely gives chance to the opponents
They sometimes do give them chance but however they do not engage the opponents without involving the opponents the principles of dual approach is used.
If positive action fails then conflictual action is used.
Principle of manifold programs
Action oriented
Different types of integrated programs should be brought in order to make the social action successful.
Different kinds of programs, strategies should be done in order to address the objectives and goal of the social action
The programs are ;
Gandhi realized that without there is any social reform then the change cannot be brought in. Gandhi’s vision helped a lot to join the social action, he engaged himself in various programs
Economic programs (Ghandi’s charkha movement-used home made goods rather than importing from abroad)
this created employment opportunity in the community itself.
S.A should bring various programs so that the problem is addressed
Political (he himself joied for protest to bring change(policy formulation)
Cultural programs are major for social action. cultural belief and faith binds people. This help people unite and fight for their rights
These activities should be related with the targeted groups
Strategies of social action
Mass people is included not just an individual. Entire section of the society is included when there is a social change
Eg existing administration of the college. When a student goes and complain by himself/herself then it wont be effective. Authorities body might not listen carefully.
Collaboration is a must to show strength and power.
 Group effort, team work is a must.
Team Work
Campaign is basically there to let people know that there is a mass number of people who wants society’s certain issues to change.
Process of organizing people through one umbrella
The pressure is created upon those authorities who are releasing power
They can be easily convinced.
Through collaboration only campaign is started.
certainty of change which is more sustainable
Processes by which changes can be brought in known as contest
Change can be brought by violent, non violent activities
Gandhi,Dr. Martin Luther king used non-violent activities
Strike should pressurize the authority
Strike should try to influence the authorities body .
Strike is useful when authority or people with high morals are involved
In Nepali community strike is considered as a famous propaganda whereas strike in other countries they take it as a shame
Process where people come and join social action
Emotional appeal: for e.g.. Sonia Gandhi,Rahual Gandhi,Dr. Martin Luther King uses this technique most of the times during their speech
Slogans: catchy words are kept so that people are attracted towards the social action. It is kept in simple way so that people catch it and pick up easily. They join the social action due to this very reason
Sensational new: through sensational news also people are attracted towards social action
Heroism: leaders give speech so that people are convinced about their bravery. Leaders speak about the strength and people’s need in taking part in the social action
Types of social action
Britto has defined two types :
1.Elite initiated for the benefit of masses
2.Popular social action
1.Elite initiated
The elite people who have access to the resources are constantly working towards the benefits of masses.
There are 3 sub-models of each type of social action:

a. legislative action model
Elite recognize what is the main problem.
Policy to some extent is not favorable to the people of the particular society.
They then try to modify the existing social policy.
Then for that, change, modification is required.
For the modification elites creates public opinion against the problems.
It is reformist movement.
b. Sanction model
The elites by gaining control over some economic, social, political or religious weapon try to obtain benefits for the society.
All the elites if they have control over the resources they then can channelize this resources for the benefit of masse
E.g., Upendra Yadav’s movement for the benefit of madeshiyas
c. Direct physical model
Elites take action and punish those responsible for the cause of injustice.
 It is a radical approach.
2. Popular social action
People initiate themselves too address the problem of the society or masses
No elite or activist  lead the initiation
People become conscious and they   realize their problems and try to find solution of the problem
It is more sustainable type
3. Types of Popular social action
Conscientisation model: people should be made sensitive towards the various social issues.
. People should be educated and made aware of the problem faced by the  masses. Due to the problem they are constantly affected.
Unless it happens people cannot work towards their problem.
They should thus, be asked to be part of social action in order to experience their full rights. The community people should feel that they should be part of social action in order to bring change.
Eg, Badhi movement
Dialectic model
“The leader needs to visionary”
When the conflict word comes up we think its negative.
In dialectic model, if conflict is promoted then the marginalized people slowly starts getting conscious and aware regarding the tension they are forced to face by the power holder.
The group of people going through the same problem unite together for their needs, rights and justice.
In conflict situation, the people put in collective efforts.
The dialectic model seeks results through conflict
This applies in few institution not in every situation the model can be used
Direct mobilization
This is the popular social action model. The suppressed, vulnerable ,exploited and marginalized people are mobilized directly. The people who are unable to use their rights and resources come together and then start social action.
These people mobilize through picking up certain issues and thus, tries to work towards solving their problem faced by the majority of masses
The masses are mobilized by the leader.
The leader needs to have proper knowledge and proper distribution of masses in order to address the problem.
The leader should create such an environment where there should be strong dis-satisfaction between people when there is strong dis-satisfaction people will be part of social action due to their problem
Stages of Social Action
Developing awareness
Making strategies
Skills required
Relational Skills[human relation,social relation etc)
Intervention Skills
Managerial Skills(technical,interpersonal,conceptual,diagnostic,communication,decision making and time mangaement skills
Communication Skills
Training, Networking and Lobbying Skills
Analytical & Research Skills
Relational Skills
 building rapport with individuals and group and maintaining those relationships
Ability to work with established leaders
Ability to work with intra and inter group conflict
Developing and maintaining cordial relationship with other NGOs and agencies working in the area and similar issues
Knowledge for Social Workers in Social Action
According to Mary Richmond (1917), the general knowledge of social workers
Knowledge of the client,
both clients as individuals, groups and communities
of the social environment, ie knowledge related to family, group, organization, community, and culture, (Society and Culture)
Knowledge about the profession of professional social workers who includes self-knowledge as a social worker, professional and integration.
   Mahatma Gandhi with his principle of non-violence used social action to raise the status of women and dalits and brought about fundamental changes in social relationships in India.
This legacy still continues as various contemporary, voluntary and professional groups are joining hands to oppose, or promote public policies and programs affecting the common people
Social action movements
Civil rights movement
Human rights movement ,
Indigenous peoples movement,
Labor movement,
Landless Peoples Movement
The landless workers' movement,
Narmada Bacho Andolan
    Student movement ,
Squatting movement,
Women's liberation movement,
 Women's suffrage movement,
Treatment Action Campaign - movement ,
struggling for HIV/AIDS treatment,
 LGBT social movements (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender social movements)
Dalit’s movement
Kamayia mukti movement
Saul Alinsky
Social Action is concerned with how to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people; to realize the democratic dream of equality, justice, peace...."Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.' This means revolution –Alinsky 
1. "Never go outside the expertise of your people. When an action or tactic is outside the experience of the people, the result is confusion, fear and retreat.... [And] the collapse of communication.
2."Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."
"A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
  "Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose."
"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
"If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counter side...every positive has its negative."
"The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
Alinsky’s Philosophy and approach:
1). The poor, the powerless, the deprived have the right to decide for themselves; how they should live and what services should be offered to them(i.e., The Right to Self determination 
 2). The poor can solve their own problems, if given the opportunity and the means (The ability of the poor to solve their own problems 
3). In order to do this, the poor must have power (Power is the means to solve the problems 
4). There are two sources of power – money and people. Poor people don’t have money, so they should organize. Therefore they must organize.(The Source of Power is their numbers and their organization 
5). The people’s organization is based on self-interest. Self-interest means seeking power (The basic goal of organization is to seek power
6). The poor people organization uses direct action methods. It engages in conflict with those whom it sees as exploiters and enemies of the poor. It uses conflict as a deliberate strategy(They use conflict as a deliberate strategy to gain power 
The goal of social action is to transfer ‘power’/ and or to destablish the establishment. This goal can be achieved only by a straight, hard hitting conflict with the establishment. How to hit the establishment? It is over this the two models of social action (Alinsky & Gandhianmodel) differ  Alinsky Mahatma Gandhi Destroying the individual who holds the power
Attacking the person who heads the establishment
Ends should justify the means
Inducing anger and hatred
Defeating the enemy
Secrecy is maintained in the program Planning
The purpose is to make the system more functional. Attempt to change the structure of the social policy.
Destroying the value system which keeps the power
Not to crush the individual. Purpose is to change the system. Protecting the body and psyche of the so called enemy
Means should justify the ends
Based on love and satyagraha Winning over the enemy
No secrecy. The purpose of the program is transparent
Attempt to change the entire pattern of the community organization,
Bring political decentralization, simpler and more relevant technologies, de-institu -tionalization and de-professionalization of the welfare system         
Propaganda-soft change
E.g. sindulpalchowk-human trafficking(whole comm. problem was adderssed
Structual change- eco, political change
Activities of social action

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