Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Forms of Government

acracygovernment by none; anarchy
adhocracygovernment in an unstructured fashion; an unstructured organization
albocracygovernment by white people
anarchygovernment by none
androcracygovernment by men
anemocracygovernment by the wind or by whim
angelocracygovernment by angels
antarchyopposition to government; anarchy
argentocracygovernment by money
aristarchygovernment by the best
aristocracygovernment by the nobility
arithmocracygovernment by simple majority
autarchygovernment by an absolute ruler
autocracygovernment by one individual
barbarocracygovernment by barbarians
beerocracygovernment by brewers or brewing interests
bestiocracyrule by beasts
biarchygovernment by two people; diarchy
binarchygovernment by two people; diarchy
bureaucracygovernment by civil servants
cannonarchygovernment by superior firepower or by cannons
capelocracygovernment by shopkeepers
chiliarchygovernment by one thousand people
chirocracygovernment by physical force
chromatocracygovernment by rulers of a particular skin colour
chrysoaristocracygovernment by the wealthy; plutocracy
chrysocracygovernment by the wealthy; plutocracy
corpocracygovernment by corporate bureaucrats
cosmarchyrulership over the entire world, esp. by the devil
cottonocracygovernment by those involved in the cotton trade
cryptarchysecret rulership
decadarchygovernment by ten individuals; decarchy
decarchygovernment by ten individuals
demarchygovernment by the people; popular government
democracygovernment by the people
demonarchygovernment by a demon
demonocracygovernment by demons or evil forces
despotocracygovernment by despots or tyrants
diabolocracygovernment by the Devil
diarchygovernment by two people
dinarchygovernment by two people; diarchy
dodecarchygovernment by twelve people
doulocracygovernment by slaves
duarchygovernment by two people; diarchy
dulocracygovernment by slaves; doulocracy
dyarchygovernment by two people; diarchy
ecclesiarchygovernment by clerics or ecclesiastical authorities
endarchycentralised government
ergatocracygovernment by the workers or the working class
ethnarchygovernment over an ethnic group
ethnocracygovernment by an ethnic group or race
exarchygovernment by bishops
foolocracygovernment by fools
gerontocracygovernment by the aged
gunarchygovernment by women; gynarchy
gymnasiarchygovernment over a school or academy
gynaecocracygovernment by women; gynarchy
gynarchygovernment by women
gynocracygovernment by women; gynarchy
hagiarchygovernment by saints or holy persons
hagiocracygovernment by holy men
hamarchygovernment by a cooperative body of parts
hecatarchygovernment by one hundred people; hecatontarchy
hecatontarchygovernment by one hundred people
hendecarchygovernment by eleven people
heptarchygovernment by seven people
heroarchygovernment by heroes
hetaerocracygovernment by paramours
heterarchygovernment by a foreign ruler
hierarchygovernment by a ranked body; government by priests
hierocracygovernment by priests or religious ministers
hipparchyrule or control of horses
hoplarchygovernment by the military
hyperanarchycondition of extreme anarchy
hyperarchyexcessive government
iatrarchygovernment by physicians
idiocracypersonal rule; self-rule
infantocracygovernment by an infant
isocracyequal political power
jesuitocracygovernment by Jesuits
juntocracygovernment by a junta
kakistocracygovernment by the worst
kleptocracygovernment by thieves
kritarchygovernment by judges
landocracygovernment by the propertied class; timocracy
logocracygovernment of words
matriarchygovernment by women or mothers
meritocracygovernment by the meritorious
merocracygovernment by a part of the citizenry
mesocracygovernment by the middle classes
metrocracygovernment by mothers or women; matriarchy
millionocracygovernment by millionaires
millocracygovernment by mill owners
mobocracygovernment by mobs or crowds
monarchygovernment by one individual
moneyocracygovernment by the monied classes
monocracygovernment by one individual
myriarchygovernment by ten thousand individuals
narcokleptocracygovernment by those who profit from trade in illegal drugs
navarchyrulership over the seas
neocracygovernment by new or inexperienced rulers
nomocracygovernment based on legal system; rule of law
ochlocracygovernment by mobs
octarchygovernment by eight people
oligarchygovernment by the few
paedarchygovernment by children
paedocracygovernment by children; paedarchy
panarchyuniversal rule or dominion
pantarchygovernment by all the people; world government
pantisocracygovernment by all equally
paparchygovernment by the pope
papyrocracygovernment by newspapers or literature
parsonarchygovernment by parsons
partocracygovernment by a single unopposed political party
patriarchygovernment by men or fathers
pedantocracygovernment by pedants or strict rule-bound scholars
pentarchygovernment by five individuals
phallocracygovernment by men
philosophocracygovernment by philosophers
phylarchygovernment by a specific class or tribe
physiocracygovernment according to natural laws or principles
pigmentocracygovernment by those of one skin colour
plantocracygovernment by plantation owners
plousiocracygovernment by the wealthy; plutocracy
plutarchygovernment by the wealthy; plutocracy
plutocracygovernment by the wealthy
polarchygovernment by many people; polyarchy
policeocracygovernment by police
pollarchygovernment by the multitude or a mob; ochlocracy
polyarchygovernment by many people
polycracygovernment by many rulers; polyarchy
popocracygovernment by populists
pornocracygovernment by harlots
prophetocracygovernment by a prophet
psephocracygovernment resulting from election by ballot
ptochocracygovernment by beggars or paupers; wholesale pauperization
punditocracygovernment by political pundits
quangocracyrule of quasi-autonomous non-governmental organizations
rotocracygovernment by those who control rotten boroughs
septarchygovernment by seven rulers; heptarchy
shopocracygovernment by shopkeepers
slavocracygovernment by slave-owners
snobocracygovernment by snobs
sociocracygovernment by society as a whole
squarsonocracygovernment by landholding clergymen
squatterarchygovernment by squatters; squattocracy
squattocracygovernment by squatters
squirearchygovernment by squires
squirocracygovernment by squires; squirearchy
statocracygovernment by the state alone, without ecclesiastical influence
stratarchyrulership over an army
stratocracymilitary rule or despotism
strumpetocracygovernment by strumpets
synarchyjoint sovereignty
technocracygovernment by technical experts
tetradarchygovernment by four people; tetrarchy
tetrarchygovernment by four people
thalassiarchysovereignty of the seas; thalassocracy
thalassocracysovereignty of the seas
thearchyrule by a god or gods; body of divine rulers
theatrocracygoverment by gathered assemblies of citizens
theocracygovernment by priests or by religious law
timarchygovernment by the propertied class; timocracy
timocracygovernment by the propertied class
triarchygovernment by three people
tritarchygovernment by three people; triarchy
tritheocracygovernment by three gods
whiggarchygovernment by Whigs
xenocracygovernment by a body of foreigners

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