Thursday, March 29, 2012

Skills for Social Action
Objectives of Social Action
When there is need to bring about some change in social structure or to prevent the negative from happening, which may influence the general population or a large number of people social action comes into play.
proper sharing and development of socio-cultural environment in which a richer and fuller life may be possible for all citizens.
Stages of Social Action
Developing awareness
Making strategies
Skills required
Relational Skills[human relation,social relation etc)
Intervention Skills
Managerial Skills(technical,interpersonal,conceptual,diagnostic,communication,decision making and time mangaement skills
Communication Skills
Training, Networking and Lobbying Skills
Analytical & Research Skills
Relational Skills
building rapport with individuals and group and maintaining those relationships
Ability to work with established leaders
Ability to work with intra and inter group conflict
Developing and maintaining cordial relationship with other NGOs and agencies working in the area and similar issues
Social Services
social services designated to provide meaningful opportunities for social and economic growth of the disadvantaged sector of the population in order to develop them into productive and self-reliant citizens and promote social equity
Special Social Services
social welfare services extended to children, youth and adults with special needs, such as the orphaned, neglected, abandoned, disabled, etc.  
Such services include family life education and counseling, adoption, guardianship, foster family care, rehabilitation services, etc.
Social Welfare
Welfare refers to a broad discourse which may hold certain implications regarding the provision of a minimal level of wellbeing and social support for all citizens without the stigma of charity.
This is termed "social solidarity".
Charity to WELFARE
In most developed countries, welfare is largely provided by the government, in addition to charities, informal social groups, religious groups, and inter-governmental organizations.
The Term WELFARE replaces "charity" as it was known for thousands of years, being the act of providing for those who temporarily or permanently could not provide for themselves.
Team Work
Types of Action
Action of social workers into two primary classifications of direct practice (action with the client) and indirect practices (actions with other systems of the client ).
The practice involves direct action by individuals, families and small groups that focus on changes in both transactions within the family or system of small groups or in the way individuals, families and small groups functioning in relationships with people and societal institutions in their environment.
Knowledge for Social Workers in Social Action
According to Mary Richmond (1917), the general knowledge of social workers
Knowledge of the client,
both clients as individuals, groups and communities
of the social environment, ie knowledge related to family, group, organization, community, and culture, (Society and Culture)
Knowledge about the profession of professional social workers who includes self-knowledge as a social worker, professional and integration.

Social work practice principles
Principles are the guidelines to work with clients
The principles of social work are applied in establishing:
close relationship between social worker and the client
Relationship is the medium through which changes are brought in the behavior and personality of the client.
The term “relationship” in social casework was used  for the first time time by Virginia Robinson in her book, A changing psychology in social casework” in 1939.
1.Principle of self- determination
Social worker recognize the “right and need of clients to freedom in making their own choices and decisions” (Biestek, 1957)
Self – Determination acknowledges that sound growth comes from within or, as Hollis Taylor(1967) says:
For this growth from within to occur there must be freedom –
Freedom to think
freedom to choose
freedom from condemnation,
freedom from coercion,
freedom to make mistakes as well as to act wisely
Self –Determination means not being coerced and manipulated
Freedom or liberty to make choices, choices depend on alternatives
Responsible social workers create working relationship in which client’s exercise choices
Imposing solutions
Treating clients as subordinates( treating clients as less important)
  Manipulating client’s decisions are all coercive behaviors that limit client’s self-Determination
According to Biestek (1957)
Limits of self- Determination are :
Legal restriction
Agency rules
Standards(moral principles)
Eligibility requirements and client's ability to make decisions
Social workers guide the helping processes, rather than maneuver clients.
Clients needs travel guides, not directive travel agents (Reynolds, 1951)

2.Principles of Non- judgmental attitude
    An important quality that a social worker must possess
    Foundational to effective working relationship
  It is imperative that social workers communicate a non- judgmental attitude towards others
   Acceptance  of others and a belief  in the worth and dignity of every human beings are values that the social work profession holds.
It signifies worker's non blaming attitudes and behavior
Social worker “does not blame the client, as good or bad, worthy or unworthy
Nonjudgmental social work excludes:
Assigning guilt or innocence, or degree of client responsibility for causation of the problems or needs
The social workers do make professional judgments or decisions every day about alternative approaches and appropriate solutions.
Nonjudgmentalism is important throughout the helping processes, it is especially crucial in the initial stages.
First impression do counts! And first impression have a lasting effects
As they act as a screen through which people filter subsequent interactions.
Non judgmental attitudes  during initial contacts set the stage for developing ongoing, effective working relationship
Non judgmentalism is a principle that should be applied universally
3.Principle of acceptance
Treat the client humanely and afford them Dignity and worth(understand human uniqueness)
Accept the client as she/he is and with all her/his limitation
Include his/her congenial and uncongenial qualities
Include her/his strength and weakness
Include  his/her positive or negative feelings
Express general concern
Listen receptively
Acknowledge client’s points of view( welcome theirs views and perspectives)
Create mutual respect
‘Love the sinner and hate the sin’
Barriers for Acceptance
Lack of self awareness
Insufficient knowledge of human behavior
Projection of personal perspective onto client’s situations
Prejudicial attitudes
Unwarranted reassurance
4.Principle of Individualization
“Starting where the client is”
Individualization is based on the right of human being to be individualized
Treat clients as person with right and needs rather than as object, “case” or “yet another appointment
To be treated not just as a human being, but with his/her personal difference
The social worker must understand the unique nature of each individual and each change situation
Understand the ability of clients to successfully use selected intervention strategies
Individualization allows social worker to make judgment about where and how to begin
Avoid bias , prejudice, labeling and stereotyping
Communicating respect for the specialness of the clients that social worker is serving
The mode of helping (Technique) must be according to the Intellectual level, socio-economic situation and ego strength, one’s capacity and resource.
5.Principles of purposeful expression of feelings
Emotion are integral part of human beings
People experience a range of feelings
Clients need to have opportunities to express their feelings freely(Biestek,1957)
Social workers need to direct clients to express their feelings  purposefully
The purpose may be to relieve pressure or tension in a way that releases the client for positive or constructive  actions
By listening attentively, asking relevant questions, encourage clients to share both facts and feelings
Expression of feelings solidifies relationships, brings feelings into open and provides opportunities for demonstrating psychosocial support.
Expression of feelings serve a purpose in the process of discovering solutions
6. Principle of controlled emotional involvement
Understand client’s feelings and emotion but does not involve in his/her problem
Social caseworkers achieved controlled emotional involvement through their expression of empathy
Workers “feel with” others- that is they sense and respond to others feelings
Empathy is the healing balm
“Put yourself into the shoes of your clients”
Empathy empowers client to work toward goals and make plans for change

Social Movement
Social Movement for social change
Social movements are a type of group action.
A group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals.
social movement is generally oriented towards bringing social change.
They are large informal groupings of individuals and/or organizations focused on specific political or social issues
Guess it?
Social movements are processes of constant change and transformation. Despite their ever-changing nature, they have enabled the development of wide-ranging alliances that have led to tremendous social, political and economic change.
Social movements are generally described as conscious, collective activities to promote social change, representing a protest against the established power structure and dominant norms and values
“A social movement is a collective effort to promote or resist change”.(Horton and Hunt)
According  to Turner and killian: A collectively acting with some continuity to promote or resist change in the society or group of which it is a part.
 A main resource of such movements is the commitment and active—often, unpaid—participation of its members or activists.
Characteristics of Social Movement
Collective Action: There should be mass number of people supporting or favoring the movement
Oriented towards Social Change(objectives of the social movement)
Organizational Framework (division of work or labor for proper mobilization of people)
Ideology behind the movement(Aware of rights and humanistic approach)
Techniques and Results:: without proper technique there is high chances of failure of social movement. The technique and result plays an important role.
e.g., violent, non-violent, protest, strike and so on.
Types of change
Innovative Movement(New ideas): Movements which wants to introduce or change particular norms, values etc.
Conservative Movements: Movements which wants to preserve existing norms,values,social laws etc.
Types of social movement
Reform movement: Movements advocating changing some norms or laws .e.g., trade union with a goal of increasing workers rights, right to abortion, a green movement advocating a set of ecological laws.
Radical movement: Movement dedicate to changing valve systems in a fundamental way. e,g. American civil rights movement-which demanded full civil rights and equality under the law to all Americans regardless of race(movement against racism)
Peaceful Movements: various movement which use nonviolent means of protest as a part of a campaign of nonviolent resistance, also often called civil resistance. The American civil right movement, Indian independence movement
Violent Movement: various movement which restore to violence. They are usually armed and in extreme cases can take a form of paramilitary or terrorist organization.e.g,Al-Quida
Range of movement
Local movement: Most of social movements have a local scope. They are focused on local or regional objectives, such as protecting a natural area.
Global movement: social movement with global objectives and goals to change society at a global level. Marxist movement
 Social reform is a progressive manner to change society for better of mankind
To change for the better.
An improvement.
Correction of evils, abuses, or errors.
Action to improve social or economic conditions without radical or revolutionary change.
Basic values of Reform