Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chapter - 3

Chapter - 3
  Milan Shrestha
Lecturer of International Studies
Tribhuvan University
Limitation of this Chapter
Forms of Government
Types of Government
Organs of Government
Separation of power
Plato has classified the government into following:
Aristotle has classified the government into following:
View of Aristotle on the Form of Government
If sovereignty resided in one person it is Monarchy; if it resided in a small minority of the population, it is Aristocracy; and if it resided in a large proportion of the population, it is polity.
Monarchy, Aristocracy and Polity were normal form of government whose aim is to serve to the people. On the other hand, Tyranny, Oligarchy and Democracy were perverted form of government whose interest is to rule over people for their own interests.
Tyranny was the degenerated from of Monarchy, Oligarchy the regenerated form of Aristocracy and Democracy the regenerated form of Polity.
Monarchy was the rule of one person for the good of the people and tyranny was the rule of the one person for his selfish ends.
Aristocracy was the rule of the few for the interest of the people and Oligarchy was the rule of the few for their selfish interests.
Polity was the rule of the many in the interests of the people and democracy was the rule of the many fro their own interests. 
Montesquieu proposed a three-fold division
Republican government :  is that in which the people as the body or part of people possess the sovereign power.
Monarchical government : is rule by single one person, but he governs only by fixed and established laws.
Despotic government: is a single person who rule, but without any law, and he conducts everything according to his will.
Rousseau’s view on the form of government
Rousseau divided government into Monarchies, Aristocracies and Democracies. He supports to Aristocracies and also divided it into three forms: natural, elective (best) and hereditary (worst).
Bluntschli’s view on the form of government
He divided the form of government into four parts
Democracies and
View of Leacock
No universal accepted classification of government.
Concept of “City-state” to “Country-State”
On the basis of exercising sovereign power and number of ruler/s
Philosophical concept.
Thank you

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